Areas of Practice

Personal Tax


We provide professionally prepared personal tax filings. Our process provides us the opportunity to make sure that you’ve claimed the appropriate tax deductions and credits with little effort on your part. We maintain that client education is important as well as strong communication. You will always know what’s happening with your personal tax return.

Corporate Tax


We ensure your corporate tax return is prepared and filed promptly with more than enough time to make certain that any taxes possibly owing are known well in advance. We’ll even explain the full tax return to you if you’re interested or have any questions.

Bookkeeping Services


Our streamlined bookkeeping process allows us to provide timely reporting so you always know what’s going on in your business. We prepare and file your sales tax returns accurately and on-time. We offer GST/HST, PST and RST filings at whatever frequency you need. We keep you in the loop so that any sales tax amounts owing are never a surprise.

Payroll Setup and Support


We help with tracking, organizing and processing payroll. From regular payroll cycle, regular CRA remittances, deadlines, to T-slips and ROE generation. We will communicate with you regularly to ensure you’re aware of the payroll process to avoid missing deadlines.

GST Preparation and Filing


We will help you to determine the most advantageous reporting period for your specific situation. We have extensive experience in registering GST numbers with the Canada Revenue Agency. We will provide you assistance in correctly preparing your GST/HST reports.

Incorporation Services


We make the process of incorporation easy. Taking the time to walk you through each step, together, we will determine the most advantageous time to incorporate. From bookkeeping, CRA set-up, 24-hour registry services, tracking expenses, payroll, and tax planning, we can ensure that your corporation starts correctly and is set up for success for many years to come.